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We've tried to keep free of those irritating banner ads (and now popup ads!) because we would rather not pollute our site with them, and because you probably hate browsing sites with banners as much as we do.

As much as it's a labor of love, we also enjoy paying the bills -- the domain registrar, the ISP that provides us the web server, and so on. If you like what you've seen, and think it's worth a few bucks to keep free of banner ads, read on:

Amazon Honor System

Amazon Honor System Click Here to Pay Learn More

If you've ever bought a book from, you know how easy it is. Now offers us a way to collect a few bucks using their same secure credit card facility. It's called their Honor System. Click on the image at right and you'll be taken to Amazon's Honor System PayPage. There you will be able to make a contribution to through their secure facility with the same ease as if you were buying a book. A few clicks, and you've said a very loud and clear "Thank You" -- one we'll appreciate, and you will to!

Privacy Note: The image at right is maintained by, and the transaction will be handled privately and securely by Click the "How do we know your name" link for more privacy details.
